I went to New York City the day before New Year's. We took the bus there and walked around thecity all day. While we were in the city, we saw the New Year's Day Ball, the Christmas windows at Macy's, the HUMONGOUS tree next to the skating rink at Rockefeller Center, and lots of Elmo's too.
It was very funny to see all those Elmo's walking together. What would you think if you saw three Elmo's walking together?! (You can tell me in your comments.)
One of the nice things about going to New York City is talking to people on the street. I talked to a man with a tiny dog in a sweater. One thing I don't like about cities is the crowds. It was especially crowded that day. I also don't like loud noises.
At the end of the day, I got a giant pretzel. It was very good.
I like visiting New York City for a day, but I don't want to live there. I like where I am living right now. I have to admit though that we don't have windows like these!
Lately, I have been playing a game called CRAYON PHYSICS on the computer. Physics is about how things move. Crayons are about drawing things. In CRAYON PHYSICS, you draw things with a crayon, and then they move. They always move according to gravity. Using gravity and the things you draw, you have to make a red ball move until it touches a gold star.
It's easy to learn and, at the beginning, it's easy to play. Later it gets hard because you have to draw pivots, bridges, pulleys, seesaws and lots of rocks to make the ball move to the right place.
Since I started playing the game, I've been thinking about some other things that move according to gravity. There is:
My dogs' drool... Me when I pas de chat in ballet... (that's not me [YET])
and shooting stars which are really meteors falling to Earth because of gravity
Gravity is everywhere! And so is physics. And if you come to our house, crayons are everywhere too!
I had been waiting for a loooooooong time. We got up in the morning and went downstairs. We ate breakfast then went to church. After church we got dressed in comfy clothes and then went to open our presents.
I got a Moo Bunny from Santa! A Moo Bunny is a cross between a bunny and a cow. They are very rare, and I am very lucky and very happy!