It was very dark out so I brought a flashlight for Mom. We shined the flashlight on the ground, and we saw a rabbit. The rabbit was stuck in our chain link fence! It was crying itself crazy! It was trying to push its way through the fence, but it could not get through.
Mom tried to cut the fence with wire cutters, but it didn't work. I ran to our neighbor's house, and my friend's mom said that she would see if they had a tool we could use to cut the fence. She came quickly with a big pair of bolt cutters. Mom took the bolt cutters. She carefully put the bolt cutters between the fence and the rabbit. The rabbit was very still, and we were worried that it was dying. I couldn't even speak (and that is very unusual for me). Finally, Mom cut the fence.
But the rabbit was not rescued yet. The bunny did not even run away. It was so hurt that it just stayed in one spot. It even let us touch him. We put the rabbit in a cardboard box with a towel to keep him warm. Mom called a wildlife rescue person, and he said that he would take the rabbit to a wildlife rescue place. So we met the man at a nearby gas station and gave the rabbit to him.
I was sad to give the rabbit away. During the rescue, I named him Lester. I liked having him in our yard, but I'm happy because he's okay now. I hope he will be able to move back into the wild again one day. Actually, I really hope that he will move back underneath our shed one day. But he better be careful and not get stuck in the fence again. If he does, he might meet our dogs.
The end.
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