My first dog is Patch.
He is a Golden Retriever. He sleeps, he plays, he eats and then he sleeps some more. He'll help me in third grade because he's cute, he's good for hugging, he keeps my feet warm, and he's good for falling asleep on top off. Kids do need a lot of sleep.
My second dog is Skipper.
He is a mutt. We think that he is part Golden Retriever and part jackal. Skipper will help me in third grade because he can spell. Patch can too. If you say, "E--A--T," they know that it is time to EAT! So you can see, my dogs are smart, and they'll be very helpful. They're good for show and tell too.
Here are some other true things about dogs. Dogs come from wolves. Dogs are mammals. Dogs don't see colors. They only see white and gray. Dogs can smell things really good, and they hear things really good too. That's why people use dogs for hunting, helping, finding things, and rescuing. They also make great pets.
My dogs are not just pets, they are my friends.
Hi Gabrielle,
This is your cousin Mary and Madisen. We loved reading about your dogs. We have a 3 legged dog named Max. She is about 14 years old and she is an Australian Shephard. She is a herding dog. When she was young she would herd us when we went for a walk. Now she just eats, sleeps and cuddles. We can't wait to read more on your blog. Love, Mary and Madisen
Hi Gabrielle,
Your blog was a lot of fun to read. I can't wait for your next entry! I know you've already been working hard on your schoolwork. I'm very proud of you!
Love, Mommy
Hey Gabrielle!
I loved reading about the cool things you've been doing! Your website is cool! I especially enjoyed the section about your dogs. Too bad Daisy can't be as nice as Patch and Skipper!
Sounds like you're having tons of fun in third grade! Make sure you keep Nicky Bicky Button Bear in line for me!
Hey Gabrielle!
I love your website! It is very cool! I especially enjoyed reading all about your dogs! Too bad Daisy can't be as nice as Patch and Skipper! It sounds like you're having tons of fun in third grade! Make sure you keep Nicky Bicky Button Bear in line for me :o)
I can't wait to read more on your blog. You are one of the coolest kids I know Gabrielle!
Hello Gabrielle,
We loved reading about your dogs, especially Patch. We are thrilled that you love Patch as much as you do. He needed a family like yours and a girl just like you! We can't wait to read more adventures that include Patch and Skipper.
Beth and Mitch Anderson
Hi Gabrielle,
Your blog is awesome! Thanks for sharing it with us. I really enjoyed learning about your dogs, especially Patch, because tomorrow we will be the proud owners of a Golden Retriever, too! Our new dog, Gina, was rescued from a place that didn't treat dogs very well and we have agreed to adopt her and treat her like a princess for the rest of her life. Even though she has had a difficult life she is the sweetest, most gentle creature on earth. Spoiling her will be very easy! Take care. From, the Bethe Family in Indonesia
Hi Gabriel,
Uncle Tony and I loved reading your blog.
We can see that your two dogs are very special to you.
I happened to watch the Opray Winfrey show the other day and she had dog owners and their dogs on for the purpose of showing their talents. I was especially impressed with a little Jack Russell dog who could add, subtract, multiply and divide.He
answered by tapping his paw. Looking forward to reading your next blog.
Aunt Barbara & Uncle Tony
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